Jake Nevèdnav (1968) is a Dutch visual artist who grew up in the punk scene of the eighties as a musician and screen printing artist, it made a big impression which still reflects on his life today. The chaotic lifestyle, of an einzelgänger on the outside of society, needs a counterbalance. Therefore, figurative subjects are translated into understandable shapes and lines which can still look rather complex to the viewer. Themes are often based around solitude, social anhedonia, depression and finding beauty within that spectrum, a difficult relationship between creativity and mental state. A somber and muted colour pallet is being used, altogether it makes his œuvre recognisable. Nevednav works with oil on linen but photography and graphic art are media he likes to indulge in also.
Nevèdnav studied fashion design in London (UK) before starting a successful fashion and photography business, his creations were often seen on the catwalks of London Fashion Week. The artist has lived and worked in many big cities around the world but is currently back in the Netherlands after 25 years abroad. His work can be found in galleries and private collections.